RADF logoThe Regional Arts Development Fund

The Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF) is delivered as a partnership between the Queensland Government and Noosa Council to support local arts and culture in regional Queensland.  

The objectives of Council’s RADF program is to support arts and cultural activities that: 

  • Increase access to arts and cultural experiences in the Noosa region 
  • Grow employment and capacity building opportunities for artists  
  • Deliver against Noosa Council’s arts and cultural priorities and promote the value of arts, culture and heritage 

Eligible applications must fit within one of the following project categories:

  • Creative and Concept Development
  • Project Funding
  • Professional Development and Mentoring

Funding Available

Up to $10,000 available per annual round.

Key Dates

 RADF Grants 

RADF 2024/25 Annual Round 22

Round opens 9.00am  10 September 2024
Round closes 11.59pm  22 October 2024
Results announced January 2025
Project delivery period 1 Jan 2025 - 31 Dec 2025
Acquittal will be due   Within 30 days of project completion  

Application Process

  • Read the RADF Guidelines
  • Preview Application Form online via Smartygrants (available when Round Opens)
  • All applicants must discuss their application with a Noosa Council Arts and Culture, Cultural Development Officer prior to submitting a proposal. To discuss an application please email cultdev@noosa.qld.gov.au or call 5329 6514.
  • APPLY HERE  Applications must be completed and submitted online via Smartgrants.

Funding acknowledgement requirements

The Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF) is a partnership between Arts Queensland and Noosa Council. All published material and online communications associated with the project must acknowledge funding from both parties according to the following:

Item Written Logo
Media Release x  
Speech x  
Annual Report x x
Promotional Video   x
Advertisement   x
Newsletter x x
Printed promotional material x x
Signage x x
Website x x
Invitation   x
Promotional material sent via email x x
Social Media x  

Written Acknowledgment
The following wording must be used in all communications:
“This project is supported by The Regional Arts Development Fund - a partnership between the Queensland Government and Noosa Council to support local arts and culture in regional Queensland.“
RADF logo

Noosa Council Logo and Brand Guidelines  
Queensland Government Logo and Brand Guidelines 

Previous Rounds

Useful links

Stay Updated

If you would like to join Council's monthly e-newsletter database for RADF notifications and other opportunities please sign up here


