Animal Shelters and Pounds

Lost dog tileLost and Found Animals

If you have lost your pet you can contact council and report your animal as lost. This will assist us if your animal is colleted by one of our officers. You can also contact Council's pound which is located at Noosaville.

If your animal has been impounded, all relevant fees must be paid before the animal is released.

If your dog is registered and it's the first time it has been impounded you can retrieve it for free from council's pound. Cats incur an impound fee.

Dogs and cats are held for a minimum of three working days before relocation or assessment.

Location and office hours

Noosa Pound/RSPCA Complex - Cnr Eumundi and Hollett Roads, Noosaville Qld 4566.
Phone: (07) 5449 1371
Closed: Monday & Tuesday
Open: Wednesday to Saturday -10am to 5pm and Sunday - 10am to 2pm
Public holidays: check with RSPCA on (07) 5449 1371

Payment options

Visa, MasterCard and EFTPOS accepted. Cash and cheques are not accepted at the pound facility.