Sustainable Business

Solar panels

Our local Economic Plan was developed consistent with Council's sustainability principles where “custodianship of the Noosa environment” and a “sustainable Council” are integral, and environmental sustainability is a critical factor in the future development of Noosa. Below is information that can assist business in operating in a more sustainable manner.

Destination Sustainability Pledge

Noosa Council has worked with EarthCheck to document its sustainability goals are in alignment with global standards.

The purpose of the newly signed document is to ensure we maintain the protection of environment, social, cultural, and natural heritage whilst supporting our region’s economic tourism potential. 

The document demonstrates Noosa Shire’s commitment to the four pillars of Sustainability, Environmental, Cultural, Social and Economic (ECSE).

This pledge will be shared and reviewed annually with stakeholders, community and suppliers of goods and services in the Noosa Shire.

Becoming More Sustainable 

Download this handout to learn 10 things that Noosa businesses can do to reduce emissions and become more sustainable.  

Business Energy Advice Program

The Federal Government’s Business Energy Advice Program aims to help delivery energy savings for small businesses. This is a free independent energy advice service tailored to your business. Speak to a business expert to find out ways you can save.

Apply here.

Solar Business Case Studies

Learn what's possible by installing solar power for your business. Zero Emissions Noosa have prepared a number of brief video case studies outlining the economic benefits of going solar in your business.

Watch the Zero Emissions Business Solar Case Studies

You can also read the Solar Consumer Guide to help businesses get the most out of rooftop solar and batteries. The free, government-backed online guide will help small and medium-sized businesses choose the right rooftop solar system to suit their needs and save money on their electricity bills

Climate Change Adaptation Plan for Business

The State Government in conjunction with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Queensland have launched the Small and Medium Enterprise Sector Adaptation Plan (PDF). These plans recognise the challenges that businesses are facing due to climate change and aims to support the sector in better managing climate risk.  You can assess and manage the exposure of your business to climate change risks by using the climate change risk management tool for small businesses in Queensland.’

Climate Change Adaption Plan for Business information

Decarbonisation Support for Business 

Click here to see programs and initiatives available through the local economic opportunities network (LEO network) to help Queensland local business and industry reduce their greenhouse gas emissions.

Business Energy Savers Program 

Are you a large business or agricultural producer that could use a free energy audit? It could benefit your business and the planet at the same time.

Find out more with the $20 million Business Energy Savers Program. Providing free energy audits for agricultural customers and large business customers, and co-contributions to fund energy efficiency upgrades.

The program provides audits for businesses covering a broad range of industry sectors that are vital to our economy, and advice to businesses on how they can reduce their electricity costs by using electricity more efficiently.

For more information on energy efficiency, visit Queensland Farmers Federation and Ergon

ASPIRE Waste Exchange Marketplace

As a business you can trade, exchange or sell your unwanted waste with the ASPIRE program, reducing waste disposal costs and the amount of waste sent to landfill. Noosa Council has invested in a license for our local business community to have access to this great circular economy, business-to-business platform. All businesses with less than 100 staff can register for free. Visit the ASPIRE website and register via the login link. 

Sustainable Event Management 

Tourism Noosa and Plastic Free Noosa have launched the 50 Shades of Green guide for sustainable event management. This innovative roadmap provides practical tips and valuable resources to help Noosa event organisers balance economic prosperity, social responsibility, cultural preservation, and environmental stewardship.

The guide covers all phases of event planning including, obtaining Council permits, environmental risk assessments, community impacts, carbon emission reductions, and more. Access here.

Home-based Business Energy Use Guide

There are nearly 1 million home-based businesses in Australia. This guide provides some easy, practical and realistic steps that you can take to reduce your energy costs when running a home-based business. By understanding and managing power bills, buying efficient appliances and technology and running them efficiently you can save energy and money and improve productivity.

There are many different types of home-based businesses, from those who work in the home, to tradies who are out-and-about on the road. Our tips cover everything from reducing household power use, to choosing and running motor vehicles.

Read more here