VendorPanel Marketplace

At Noosa Council we procure many of our goods and services via our e-procurement system called VendorPanel Marketplace. This online tool allows Council staff to search lists of registered suppliers; and request and obtain quotes for specific Council goods and services.

VendorPanel Marketplace helps businesses/suppliers maximise their chances of securing work with Council.

In order to take advantage of the opportunities that VendorPanel Marketplace presents, suppliers/businesses must be registered so that Council staff can invite them to quote.

Register as a supplier/business here.

  • For more information on VendorPanel Marketplace please email Council’s Procurement team.

  • Complete the following steps:

    1. Visit the VendorPanel Marketplace website at the link below.
    2. Click on the category and subcategories that best suit your business.
    3. Enter the business name, email address and follow the screen prompts (ensuring that the email address is identical to the one used when initially setting up the account).
    4. An email will be sent to the email address provided to confirm all details provided.
    5. Click on the email and log into the business's profile.
    6. Check that the additional categories have been added to the business profile.
  • Local businesses and suppliers should register in all the categories that best represent the goods and/or services available to Council. This will help raise awareness with Council purchasing staff that a business/supplier exists in a particular category.

    Businesses/suppliers are encouraged to register in more than one category if relevant to the goods and/or services they provide.

  • Yes. The VendorPanel Marketplace is different to being an existing business/supplier on an established arrangement on VendorPanel.

    The VendorPanel Marketplace will be used for quotations sought from businesses/suppliers where goods and/or services are not able to be sourced from an established arrangement.

  • VendorPanel Marketplace offers Council and suppliers a standardised platform to seek and respond to quotations.

  • VendorPanel Marketplace will make local businesses more visible to Council staff.

    Council encourages local suppliers/businesses to register their business details on VendorPanel Marketplace.

    Council purchasing staff will then have immediate access to a wide range of suppliers/businesses to approach for quotations on upcoming work.

    When Council has the need for any products or services, staff will be able to search, nominate and invite local suppliers/businesses registered on the system.

  • Registering for VendorPanel Marketplace is completely free for suppliers/businesses. It means receiving timely quote requests from Council and being able to submit quotes quickly and easily

    • VendorPanel Marketplace is easy to navigate
    • No pre-qualification is necessary for businesses/suppliers to register on VendorPanel Marketplace
    • Businesses and suppliers will be more visible and accessible to Council purchasing staff
    • Businesses and suppliers will not have to spend as much time quoting
    • It will be easier  for businesses/suppliers to respond to a Council request for a quote
    • VendorPanel Marketplace provides opportunities for businesses and suppliers to be visible to other councils and government entities within Australia that utilise VendorPanel Marketplace.

    It is important to note that registering on VendorPanel Market place does not provide a guarantee of securing work with Council.

    • Requests for quotes are coordinated within one central system
    • Queries from suppliers/businesses are managed in one location
    • Automated email notifications are provided to keep Council purchasing staff up-to-date
    • Supplier/business performance feedback is collected
    • Transparency is improved with real time reporting and  more meaningful purchasing data

    For Council, VendorPanel Marketplace provides a method of efficiently administering requests for quotation with complete transparency and compliance.

  • There is no charge to suppliers who register to the Marketplace environment and no ongoing fees to suppliers who register to Marketplace.

    Clauses 8.1 and 8.2 provide VendorPanel Pty Ltd the right to charge suppliers if additional functionality is built into Marketplace in the future. Prior to suppliers gaining access to any additional functionality, suppliers will be advised if a fee is applicable.


For general contract and tender enquiries please email Procurement.

For queries relating to a specific tender currently open, please place a forum post on the relevant VendorPanel Public Tenders forum.

Current Tenders

See the list of current tenders out for response

Awarded Tenders

See the list of tenders awarded in the last 12 months.

Council Policies

See the list of Council policies for your additional information.