Social Services
There are a range of support services in Noosa Shire that can offer assistance.
Need assistance? Noosa Council has Community Development officers available:
- Cooroy Library, Tuesdays 9am - 1pm (9 Maple St Cooroy)
- Peregian Beach Community House, Thursdays 9am - 1pm (5-7 Rufous Street, Peregian Beach)
Full list of support services is available below:
Support for people in need
Pomona & District Community House: Tues-Fri, 10am – 3pm (showers only)
- Peregian Beach Community House: Thursdays 9am – 1pm
- Youturn: Weekdays 9am-3pm and Tuesday evenings 5-8pm (laundry, showers, kitchenette)
Maroochydore Housing Service Centre
- Department of Housing
- Homeless Hotline - 1800 474 753
- Youturn Homelessness support or email
- Better Together Housing ( Shared living for women 55+)
- Ask Izzy A free, anonymous website for people in need to access various services in Australia.
- Public and community housing Info
- RentConnect
- National Rental Affordability Scheme (NRAS)
- Youturn (Tuesday evenings 5-8pm - help with housing applications).
- Noosa Salvos Community Services
- Micah Project
- Better Together Housing - bringing women over 55 together in a safe and secure way to find shared accommodation.
Watch these short videos for an explanation of what different support services offer our community
Domestic and family violence
Sunny Kids
- Centacare
- RSPCA Pets in Crisis Program
- Department of Child Safety, Seniors and Disability Services
- Immigrant Women’s Support Service
- Sunshine Coast DFV Coordination Service
- Women’s Technology Safety & Privacy Toolkit
- QPS Domestic Violence
- Domestic and family violence support for LGBTIQ communities
- Salvos Mates Support SMS
- Sunny Kids
- Centacare
- RSPCA Pets in Crisis Program
- Department of Child Safety, Seniors and Disability Services
- Immigrant Women’s Support Service
- Sunshine Coast DFV Coordination Service
- Women’s Technology Safety & Privacy Toolkit
- QPS Domestic Violence
- Domestic and family violence support for LGBTIQ communities
Health and mental health wellbeing
Noosa Community Health Centre: 14 - 16 Bottlebrush Avenue, Noosa Heads, PH: 07 5449 5944, Weekdays 8am – 4:30pm (Services provided - dentists, social support service, physiotherapy, Maternal, child and family health ect)
- Headspace (youth 12-25 years) Ph: 54094900
- Head to Health (mental health advice and support)
- Waves of Kindness Care Centre Wed 12:30pm - 3.30pm, Thurs, Fri 9:30am -3:30pm, (Assisting with mental health, welfare support and medical referrals for people doing it tough) Ph: 0499 091 352
- Mental health pathways
- Understanding mental health
- Your rights in treatment
- Work/life balance and stress management
- BlueKnot (Empowering recovery from complex trauma)
- Salvos Mates Support (Support and company for males)
For Emergency: Ambulance, Police, Fire (000)
- Suicide Call Back Service (1300 659 467)
- Lifeline (13 11 14)
- StandBy (1300 727 247) Support After Suicide
- Mental health access line (1300 642 255)
- 13 Health ( 13 43 25 84) general health information and referrals (24/7)
- 13 Yarn ( 13 92 76)
- Beyond Blue (1300 224 636)
- Mensline Australia ( 1300 789 978)
- QLife (1800 184 527) LGBTIQ+
- Kids Helpline (1800 551 800) Aged 5-25 free counselling
- Family Drug Support Support Line (1300 368 186)
- Parent Line (1300 301 300)
Alcohol and drug support
Noosa Community Health Centre (Needle and Syringe Program (NSP))
- QuIHN (Counselling, support groups, (NSP), Treatment for Hepatitis C, Sexual Health and Naloxone)
- Alcohol Drug Information Service (ADIS)
- WHOS Najara - Sunshine Coast (Residential Rehab)
- Lives Lived Well
- Hi-Ground (A community driven platform that aims to educate, reduce harm and give support to people who use drugs.)
- QuIVAA (QLD Peer-based advocacy organisation fighting for the health and human rights of people who use drugs)
- Narcotics Anonymous Australia (1300 652 820)
- Alcoholics Anonymous Helpline (1300 222 222)
- Australian Indigenous Alcohol and Other Drugs Knowledge Centre
- Youth Law Australia (confidential legal advices about drugs and alcohol)
- Alcohol and Drug Foundation
- Queensland Pharmacotherapy Advice & Mediation Service (QPAMS) (07) 3620 8111 or freecall (1800) 172 076 and ask for Niki.
- Quitline 13 QUIT (13 78 48)
- ReachOut
- Positive Choices (an online portal to help school communities access accurate, up-to-date drug education resources and prevention programs.)
- National Alcohol and Other Drug helpline (1800 250 015)
- QLD (1800 177 833)
Emergency Relief - Water
Noosa Council doesn't regulate the water carrier sector or what they charge. Please see the information below on how to obtain water supplies for household use.
For those who are struggling with having enough water during drought conditions, here are maps showing the locations of taps where water containers can be filled. Council prefers that the taps shown on the maps are the only taps that should be used to fill water containers.
Other taps are not suitable for a variety of reasons. Please remember to take only what water is really needed. Using too much will reduce water pressure across Noosa Shire. Please fill up using domestic-size containers only (up to 1000L).
Cooroy RV site:
Tap at the entry that can fill up containers in addition to the paid Unity Water sites
Kin Kin Recreation Centre
- 2 showers on the western side
Pomona Community House - 1 Memorial Ave, Pomona
- Hot showers 9am – 3pm Tues - Fri
Noosa Council doesn't regulate the water carrier sector or what they charge. Contact your local water carrier for more information.
There are four water fill stations for community members to access and purchase potable drinking water at any time, including 17 Mary Road, Cooroy and Zealey Road Nambour (near number 49). Visit Unitywater for costs, other locations and conditions for access.