Noosa Plan 2020
Noosa Plan 2020, originally commenced in July 2020, with a minor amendment in September 2020 is now proposed to be amended again.
Amendment No. 2 is a major amendment to keep the planning scheme relevant and up to date considering emerging priorities over the last few years since it was prepared. The proposed amendments seek to improve the operation of Noosa Plan 2020, specifically facilitating greater housing and employment choice, and addressing short-term accommodation. Significantly, the proposed amendments implement recommendations of the Noosa Housing Strategy and the Short-term Accommodation Monitoring Report prepared in 2022. The proposed amendments also implement additional requirements set by the Minister’s conditions when Noosa Plan 2020 was approved.
To view the proposed amendments, read the factsheets or make a submission, visit Your Say Noosa.
After consultation finishes on 14 July, all written submissions will be reviewed and reported to Council for consideration.
View the Noosa Plan 2020 -Online format
View Noosa Plan 2020 - PDF format (Please note-PDF's are for information only. No hyperlinks work - use ePlan for fully interactive Planning Scheme.)
Noosa Plan 2020 strives to protect the look and feel of Noosa while providing a blueprint to shape the shire’s growth over the next 20 years. Noosa Plan 2020 is the culmination of several years of engaging with the community.
Noosa Plan 2020 considers how we will live, work and play in the future by facilitating more housing and business choices, supporting future transport needs, providing opportunities for rural enterprises and maintaining the character and environment of Noosa Shire.Noosa Plan 2020 sets the requirements for development including new or changing land uses, subdivision, building works, landscaping and clearing of vegetation and all forms of engineering works.
The draft Noosa Plan 2020 was first released for public consultation from 18 February – 20 May 2019. Following review of submission a revised version of the draft Plan was further released for public consultation in November 2019.
Council considered over 1500 submissions as part the plan making process. A consultation report was prepared providing a summary of submissions and how they were considered. A copy of the consultation report is available online or available to view at Council Offices and Libraries.
The draft Plan underwent rigorous review by the State Government to ensure it complied with the Planning Act 2016, State Planning Policies, South East Queensland Regional Plan and other State interests.
The draft Plan was endorsed by Council in December 2019 and the Minister approved the draft Plan for Council adoption in February 2020 subject to conditions.
The conditions of the Ministerial approval included:
- Adding more guidance for the development of the Shire Business Centre within 12 months of adopting the scheme.
- Finalise Council’s Coastal Hazards Adaptation Plan funded by the State Government and incorporate information into the scheme within 12 months of adopting the scheme.
- Monitor the provisions relating to short term accommodation, tourism and housing supply over a 2 year period and determine whether any changes are required after that time and provide a report to the Minister. The Ministerial conditions didn’t require any changes to the draft scheme before adoption.
- Some technical changes to ensure consistency with various State Codes.
- Make some minor changes to the Bushfire Hazard overlay map.
- Amend the Biodiversity, Waterways and Wetlands overlay to better align with state instruments.
- Amend the scheme’s provisions for social and community housing to change Council’s proposal to require social and community housing and instead, make the provision of social and community housing discretionary.
- Change our koala mapping to reflect the State’s koala mapping.
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