Chat to Noosa’s Mayor and Councillors at June 20 Pomona meeting
Noosa Council will hold its June 20 Ordinary Meeting at Pomona.

Noosa's Mayor and Councillors will be available before and after the June 20 Ordinary Meeting at Pomona to chat to residents.
There will be opportunities before and after the meeting for residents to chat with the Mayor and Councillors, plus senior staff.
Mayor Frank Wilkie said the aim was to reach out to residents, enable them to witness the formal meeting and meet their elected representatives.
“It’s not always convenient for residents to make it to the Council chambers to sit in on meetings, and not everyone wants to watch the livestream,” he said.
“Our aim is to bring the meetings out to our communities across the shire and provide plenty of time for residents to raise issues or concerns directly with councillors.”
The Ordinary Meetings will be held in different parts of the shire periodically to ensure all residents have an opportunity to sit in on a meeting, close to home.
The June 20 meeting at Pomona will be held at Pomona Memorial School of Arts, 6 Reserve Street Pomona, from 5pm.
Residents can attend from 2pm to meet and chat with councillors and staff, plus there will be further opportunities for discussion after the meeting.
Acting CEO Larry Sengstock said it was an ideal opportunity for residents who wanted to know more about current projects and consultations to come along and chat with key staff.
“Our senior planning staff will be on hand to discuss and answer questions about the current consultation on the planning scheme amendments, and the Pomona placemaking project.”
Mayor Wilkie said Councillor Coffee Chats were also set to begin shortly, giving residents regular opportunities to meet and raise issues with their local councillors over a coffee.
“We’re committed to making Council as accessible as possible to our community and I speak for all of the councillors when I say we’re looking forward to hearing from locals about the issues that matter most to them.”
More information about Noosa’s Mayor and Councillors is available on Council’s website.