Environment Strategy

At the June 2019 Ordinary Meeting, Noosa Council (Council) endorsed the Noosa Environment Strategy (Environment Strategy) and Noosa Environment Strategy Implementation Plan 2019-2023 (Implementation Plan) to cover the period of three years 2020/21FY until 2022/23FY.  

The Environment Strategy is the key strategic policy document for Council related to our environment and the way we live within it. The Environment Strategy identifies key strategies, outcomes, and measurable targets that guide decision-making and support prioritisation of investment over the 10-year life of the strategy.  

The Environment Strategy is guided by Council’s Corporate Plan, Sustainability Principles and Environment and Sustainable Living Policy. It is intended to inform planning, guide decision making, drive implementation, prioritise action and investment, and set a shared vision. 

The Environment Strategy is broken down into four key themes, each with their own goals, sub-strategies, targets, and outcomes. The four key themes are: 

  1. Biodiversity 

  1. Waterways, wetlands, and coasts 

  1. Sustainable living 

  1. Climate change adaptation and resilience 

The Environment Strategy provides a clear monitoring, evaluation and reporting framework that consists of:  

  • Annual reporting on the progress of specific implementation actions associated with the Environment Strategy. 

  • Biennial reporting against the 12 targets identified in the Environment Strategy to measure the success of implementation. 

Review of the Environment Strategy and Implementation Plan

The Environment Strategy has established a strong foundation to protect and enhance Noosa’s environmental assets and the Noosa Biosphere. However, the Year 4 Monitoring Report identified that the Environment Strategy requires a review and update for the following reasons: 

  • Several Council plans and strategies related to the targets and outcomes of the Environment Strategy have been developed since 2019. 

  • Council's core business and legislative requirements related to the delivery of the Environment Strategy have grown and changed since 2019, including changes to fire and flying-fox management.  

  • Council’s monitoring projects have delivered an increased understanding of environmental values and threats in the Noosa Shire since the Environment Strategy was developed and should be reflected in the targets and outcomes of the updated Environment Strategy and Implementation Plan. 

  • Council’s monitoring and actions should support the requirements for the Noosa Biosphere Reserve as part of the Man and the Biosphere (MaB) program of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO).  

The next Implementation Plan to define Council activities or projects to achieve the targets, and outcomes of the Environment Strategy will also be prepared as part of the Environment Strategy review and both documents will be delivered to Council for endorsement in the 2024/25FY.