Council lobbys authorities to hit pause on CHAP


Noosa Council has successfully received an extension to hit pause on its completion of the Coastal Hazards Adaptation Plan (CHAP).

The six-week public consultation period finished on Monday March 8, with Council receiving over 200 responses.

Council was granted an extension from the Local Government Association of Queensland, who is coordinating the implementation of the QCoast program on behalf of the State Government.

Mayor Clare Stewart said the volume of submissions coupled with the level of detail, Council considered more time was needed to ensure the right outcome for the community is achieved.

“We want to ensure Council achieves a sensible and measured response to managing coastal hazard risks now and into the future,” she said.

“Council staff have been granted special permission to delay submitting the CHAP so we can ensure all submissions are appropriately reviewed and given due regard,” she said.

“There are strong opinions and concerns by some sections of the community and it is imperative that we have enough time to work through these,” she said.

“We are using this additional time to explore workable solutions put forward by stakeholders.”

Cr Stewart reiterated that Council has heard the community and was committed to reaching solutions that are workable

Noosa Council has developed a coastal hazards adaptation plan as part of the state’s QCoast2100 program.

“We have certainly been transparent about this plan and provided significant detail, much more than most other councils in Queensland,” Cr Stewart.

Noosa is one of 32 Queensland councils developing coastal hazards adaptation plans with the funding from the state.

“We certainly appreciate that the State Government and Local Government Association of Queensland has given us additional time to ensure the final result is what's best for Noosa,” Cr Stewart said.